

Dear List,

Today is very special to me, thanks to you.......One year ago today I
received a reply from another young Parkie.......He had read my intro letter
on here and responded to my request to hear from others w/PD that were in
there 30's.......You cant imagine the relief you brought me by allowing me to
find someone close to my age that knew and understood what I was going
through with this disease......This fellow Parkie was a joy to get to
know.....the multitude of things we had in common amazed us....we shared the
same tastes in foods, music, etc......he had even attended college in my home
state which led us to discover we had attended the same concerts there way
back in our younger, healthier days.......My parents owned and operated a
restaurant in a nearby town at which it turns out he had eaten at!.........It
was fun discovering this man who was so much like me in so many ways.....Out
of those simple letters a powerful friendship grew........We vowed that no
matter where our lives took us we would always be Buds.......united for life
by a disease that although causes daily pain and discomfort, somehow managed
to bring us together to find some happiness........We have met face to face
only a few times, but there are countless letters and phone calls that have
helped us solidify this "budship"..........It's been a rollercoaster of a that I will never forget........right now I wish for more
than anything that my Bud and I could celebrate this anniversary together,
but like PD, life is full of curves that are tough to navigate.........I can
find joy in the fact that I am still able to communicate with him and know
that we both are reading the list and remembering how it brought us
together..........Thank you again list......and Thank you Kevin, for being my
Bud, through thick and thin, through parlodel and permax, through insomnia
and dyskenesia, through tears and smiles........especially the
smiles......because that's what comes to my face when I think of
you..........Happy Anniversary's to many more......and
hopefully a cure in our lifetime..........I love you................Always,
Nicole Antonia