

I just spoke to Senators Feinstein's and Boxer's offices in Washington and
was surprised to hear that they had not as yet made a formal statement as to
whether or not they would support the Udall Bill this year.  The aides I
spoke to seemed totally unaware of the bill but when I mentioned that both
senators had supported the bill in the 104th Congress, they said basically
the same thing, "Oh well, then I imagine they'll support it again".  I don't
think that's good enough. So please, all you Californians, call our Senators
and Representatives at 1-800-962-3524 and let them know how important this
Bill is to us, their constituents.  If we are not interested enough to make a
single toll free call, how can we expect Congress to be interested enough to
work for passage of the Udall Bill in our behalf?

I had better luck when I called Rep. Tom Campbell's office.  I spoke to the
aide who handles health issues and he assured me that Rep. Campbell had
already signed on as an original co-sponsor of the bill.  I then asked if
Rep. Campbell would write a "dear colleague' letter to the rest of the
California delegation.  The aide assured me that Rep. Campbell would be happy
to do so.

Does anyone know when the Udall Bill will be reintroduced in Congress?

Mary Sheehan