

Congradulations to the forces of freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:26:15 -0500
>From:    Brenda Rankin <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Removal from List

>Please remove me from your list.  There is too much mail to cope with each
>day.  This has developed more into a chatline/newsgroup list which I would
>rather access at my convenience instead of having all the mail download
>to my e-mail.

>Brenda Gorton
>Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 1997 23:21:02 -0500
>From:    Andy <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: please delete me from the list

>I added my name to the list for a friend. I didn't know it would
>generate so much e-mail.  Please remove me from the list


These guidelines should be followed to complete our mission:

1.  Always post to the 2000 members of the list. Never send mail
    directly to those who share your specific interest.

2.  Quote back as much as possible. Preferably the entire digest.

3.  Take every opportunity to show how smart you are.

4.  Post more stale jokes.

5.  How about some virus warnings.

6.  Make sure everything is relevant. My car shakes at 65. Should
    I try more Sinemet?

7.  Lets all post in every language we've ever studied.
    Si vous plais.

8.  We need more lawyer jokes.

9.  Lets all discuss our sexual preferences. I don't care who I do
    it with as long as there's an accordian involved.

10. How about some geography lessons.

11. Try to post something every day. Anything.

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