

Barb Mallut wrote:

"I'd betcha the "Dianne" referred to in Bonnie's message the same Dianne who
tried to get us Parkies to buy HER company's antioxidants a few months ago.

"And, while it's entirely possible that Bonnie's father has indeed got PD,  I
question whether this isn't another version of the same sales pitch we've
subjected to in order to get us to buy certain non-prescription products.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if, upon buying that product, an invitation was
extended to anybody and everybody contacting Dianne or Bonnie to earn money
becoming a sales rep for their products.

"It's always the same "I don't have PD BUT do have a friend/relative who is
benefiting greatly from this product I take, etc."

...Barb - this sounds to me like an entirely unwarranted personal attack.
 Bonnie's posting was a useful contribution, unlike some of the material I
read (or skip over) on this list.  Your own messages would indeed benefit
from a bit more content, and less jocular froth.
