

Hello again from the Virgin Islands, I'm curious to know if there are
any artist with pd on the list?  I began about a year ago making mosaics
with stained glass, and it quickly turned into a money making  venture.
I am almost obsessed with it at this point, I find it very calming and I
am completely capable to cut glass.  I used mostly abstract shapes to
form designs or patterns so I dont get frustrated trying to cut perfect
shapes like stained glass artists do.  I find my artwork is completely
fufilling.  I 'd like to hear from any other artists who have are able
to continue with their work or perhaps have had to modify their styles
or give up their art.  ( I am truly sorry if this is the case).

Mynext subject is the quest for info on financial aid for my friend and
sole mate in parkinsons here on st john.  I luckily have insurance and
that takes care of my medications.  My friend is in his 40's, has no
insurance and has a semi-under the table cash business.  He runs a
charter boat.  Are there any pharm aid, studies, whatever he could get
in involved with to help out.  We are the only ones here with pd and we
try to help each other out whenever possible.

thanks again for being there....

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