

Isn't it interesting how the debate on gay visibility within the
PD community has become so circular. We seem to have gone
around the same old arguments time and again. Probably because
both sides are right.

So how do we reconcile Ivan's strongly voiced call for recognition
with the predominant list view that the list and the hoped for Oprah
show are not the places for private agendas.  The Oprah show is an
easy one.  We actually already have consensus that it is too small a
venue for all of the issues and so must be focused.  Perhaps the next
step is a public awareness campaign on the theme "people get PD'.
Such a campaign could show us in all our diversity.

The matter of  list recognition is not so easy.  Many contributors have
made the point that an individuals sexual orientation is not important
in terms of the list.  This is true but not absolute.  We heterosexuals
allude to our sexuality so casually we are hardly aware we are doing so.
Every reference to a husband or wife makes a statement about our sexual
orientation.. It is hardly fair to ask Ivan or any other gay listmembers
to mention their partners.  Finally can there be any real objection to Ivan
including a 'proud to be gay' message with his signature.  The information
may well be irrelevant to other members,  but this list has a multitude of
irrelevant messages tacked on to signatures.  What's one more?


Dennis Greene 47/10
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