

Hi Kees Paap <[log in to unmask]>, you wrote
>>You keep it up, Kees. Most of us fail to offer kind words until it is
>>way too late.

>remain a very important part of our life within our constructive way of
>coping with Parkinson's Disease.

Too right, my friend.

>Dear Jeremy,
>I know :
>       - one thing for sure : the man will not have a laugh about the
>situation.        - how to contact patients.
>       - my english is bad, but not that bad that I couldn't make him clear
>that Parkinson's Disease is a chronic illness, and not a joke.
>       - that he will not speak about me as "James Parkinson", because I
>never mentioned that name. If he knows the name "James", he knows more about
>the disease, so he will not make a joke of it.
>       - "I'm not an idiot", because i know these things.

Dear Kees - indeed you are most certainly NOT a fool. I hope my response
wasn't negative in feeling - it was meant to describe a situation to
which you, or at any rate *I*, would respond "well, so what!"

You were my first introduction to the PWP community in Europe - and a
very positive, friendly, caring community I find it. You are an
inspiration to us all.

Warmest regards to you and yours.

Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Shaking Hands BBS - +44 (0)1252 626233 - Fidonet 2:252/160