

Someone was kind enough to respond to my inquiry regarding dementia and PD.
I was interested in whether anyone had observed any correlation between diet
and/or medication , and periods of dementia.  Someone  responded that
chocolate was a factor, but my mail system trashed the response.  What are
your experiences with diet and medication and periods of  confusion.  And if
chocolate is a problem, is it the sugar, the caffeine, or something else.
Thanks.  Stephen Hubbard
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Medical Information Medication:
My father is 73 and has had PD for 15 years
He is on the following:
Sinemet CR  200    mg    6 x per day  at 7am, 10, 1, 4, 7 & 10 pm
Sinemet     125    mg    6 x per day  at 7am, 10, 1, 4, 7 & 10 pm
Parlodel      2.5  mg    9am,1, & 7 pm
Lanoxin       0.125mg    1x per day
Zoloft       75    mg    1x per day