

At 05:01 PM 2/28/97 -0500, you wrote:
>My mother (67, diagnosed less than one month ago with PD; cannot use hand,
>but no tremor, really; lost use of toes after breaking an ankle; slower
>speech; off balance) is now up to 25/100 plus 1/2 tablet 3x/day and it
>isn't doing anything. When she called her neuro about this and to say that
>she was feeling a bit more off balance the other day, the neuro said that
>the off balance wasn't from PD.
>This seems wrong to me; isn't off balance a symptom? I am afraid that she
>has something other than (worse than) PD (is this possibly what he could
>Thanks for any insight. Debbie White
hang in there i seen it hurd it all for 25yrs. I.Y.Q.
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