

Here in Florida, we have plants called Aloe, which may or may not be the
same aloe, anyway, if you squeeze the white juice from a piece of aloe
and rub it on a sunburn or other injury, it is soothhing and stops the
burning and pain. My wife used it on a surgical scar under doctors
orders, alternating with liquid vitamin E and this has helped the scar
heal well. I don't know if aloe grows in other areas. I have heard of it
being used in cosmetics also. Hope this helps.

Ken Becker
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On Fri, 28 Feb 1997, Dave Anderson wrote:

> In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
> I'm a new reader of this group and I wondered if anybody could let
> me know if they have heard of a fruit drink called ALOE VERA. My
> wife was told by a friend that it was very  effective for PD.I am a
> born cynic and tightwad and am reluctant to pay for something which
> I know nothing about.MTIA.
>                           Jim ANDERSON
>                           62years old.Diagnosed 3 years.