

Lena asked if anyone else has PD and Schizophrenia
in their family -- I do. That's why I monitor (lurk)
both listservs.

PD and Schizo both are disorders of
the dopamine/serotonin metabolic pathways. In PD too
little dopamine is produced; in Schizo too little.
Both disorders have some genetic basis. And, both
share theories that a genetic pre-disposition AND
an early life trauma (perhaps before birth) may start
the disorder.

My aunt, who died 3 months ago, had a PD+ disorder (PSP),
my sister has Schizoprenia (undifferentiated = general).
Family oral history reveals that perhaps other close
relatives may have had related disorders, but
they died long ago.

Chat on...

 |       @..@        A.J. CONOVALOFF                                 |
 |      (----)      "The Molokan Cyber-Cowboy"            __o        |
 |     ( >__< )      PSP Support Groups of Arizona       `\<,        |
 |     ^^ ~~ ^^      [log in to unmask]    . . ..(*)/`(*)      |