

At 06:06 PM 2/28/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I am so tired of hearing about the new drugs and treatments that are "Coming
>along." I hear about them here, on the news, even read about them in the
>paper. "Progress is being made in the treatment of neurological disorders,"
>is all I ever seem to hear, however. I want something concrete, that will not
>be available "In the next four or five years," but next month, or at least
>before the end of the year. I want to be better soon. I am not sure how much
>longer I can take this.
>Jacob Drollinger

Dear Jacob,
We all have days ,weeks and months just like that.  However, you just have to
keep your chin up.  I know its hard when you are so young, but I know you are
made of strong stuff, or you wouldn't have made it this long.

I agree with Jim Cordy, who says the only thing which stands between
Disease and a cure, is money!!  Pray that we get this Udall Bill passed
this time
and a cure will certainly follow very soon.

In the meantime, just remember you are not alone.

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian, with PD