

on " Thu, 27 Feb 1997 ", :    Ron Reiner <[log in to unmask]> wrote
 ----Does a healthy SN produce dopa at a constant rate all the time ... Or
does it sometimes turn off, slow down or increase the flow? Does the SN
simply try to keep a fixed concentration of dopa in the brain?---

I think that you have " mis le doigt sur le vrai probleme " (put the
finger on the real question). I am a 49/19 PWP. For 3 years, I have been
using only one medicatication : Modopar. Trying to keep the level of
L-dopa as low as possible and to understand what dopa is doing to my

My opinion is :
1 -if a constant level of dopa was necessary in order to have our CNS to
work properly it would have been simpler to have the concerned neurons
directly (electrically) connected.
2 - I feel like dopa is needed only for some kind of tuning. Something
like a correction of differences in proprioception signals coming from
the left hand side of the body vs. information coming from the right hand
Once this tuning is made, dopa is needed in order to keep the temporary
connections at work.
The tuning I am speaking of is made when the level changes. It can be
achieved when the level of dopa is increasing or  when it is decreasing.
The problem that has to be solved is  to identify the time at which the
level of dopa has to be modified.