

Barb -- I asked nurse/wife about this because she says she knows
everything worth knowing and she said it might be acting along the same
line as amantadine. Over the years I've heard some strange stories about
different items causing a reduction in PD symptoms, like chocolate and
BBQ. I'm still doing research on those.
Keep us informed. Seriously. Not that it would work for everyone, but if
it does help you, it might help someone else. BTW, the "Adverse
Reactions" and drug interactions to Flagyl are pretty serious, along the
lines of seizures and acute psychoses, so be careful.

Barb said:
>I hesitate to post the following information because I don't want to get folks
>all excited over what MAY be just a fluke or a coincidence.  However, I don't
>see how I can NOT post it either.   So please keep in mind that this is very
>possibly just an anomaly...
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