

The deadline for proposing sessions at the 1998 Conference on College
Composition and Communication convention, "Ideas, Historias, Cuentos," is

                    APRIL 21!!

which, considering Time's characteristic perversity, will actually be
here in about two days (or so it will seem!), so now's the time to start
plotting and scheming with colleagues about what to propose.

CCCC Online again makes available a forum for plotting and scheming:

                CCCC/98 Proposal Party

Everyone is invited to stop by and share ideas for sessions, peruse the
ideas already floated there, find colleagues to collaborate with, and
begin shaping plans and proposals. We had a fine time kicking things
around in last year's forum & hope that even more people will participate
this year.

So bring your ideas, bring some virtual munchies & beer, come hang out and
see what interesting stuff emerges from the mix.

--Eric Crump
  CCCC Online Coordinator Person