


My hands are aimless
as rags in the wind,
my fingers becoming
ineffectual as fringe.
I used to play the piano -
Bach fugues
or Chopin,
won a box of chocolates once
by finding at a baby shower,
in record time,
the most safety pins
buried in a bowl of gleaming, uncooked rice.
I crocheted, quilted,
with small, even stitches,
knitted a warm, wool, striped scarf -
crimson, brown, and beige -
for my spouse
who took for granted,
as I did,
my prettily-crimped piecrusts,
and paintings of roses
and a wrought-iron gate.

My longhand  was
as legible as "The Book of Kells"
compared to the shriveled-cobweb scrawl
I struggle with today,
as I try to
write a readable check,
put paper money in a wallet,
clutch a kleenex,
take it from a pocket,
open my old, gold, heart-shaped locket,
pull on white sneaker-socks,
shuffle cards,
without feeling pressure
from inside
to hurry up, hurry up.
And I waver in the wind
when I walk.