

If I don't see that my mother, age 87 with PD,
gets  1500 mg of Calcium citrate and 750 mg of Magnesium
daily, she will experience cramps in the calves of her
legs during the night.

The actual product we use is Boron Complex Plus from the
Vitamin Shoppe.  1-800-223-`1216
        Four capsules supply:
        Boron 3mg . .  . aids in the absorption of the Calcium
        Calcium . . . . . .1000mg
        Magnesium . . .500mg
        Vitamine D- . . .3400 IU
        Zinc . . . . . . . . . 15mg
        Copper . . . . . . 500mcg
        Bentaine HCL.324mg

She also takes 1200 mg of Vit. E which is supposed to
help prevent muscle pain.

When she first developed muscle cramps I didn't
associate  it with Parkinsons but reached for
the calcium right away. And it worked.

Carol Brow
daughter of Mary Louise Brow
Lake Leelanau, Michigan and
Winter Haven, Florida