


Your note regarding the antibiotics sparked a memory I had completely
forgotten about.

Since I was diagnosed with PD six years ago, I've been forced to take
antibee's several times. (Sorry, don't rememeber the names.)  Usually for a
sinus infection.

I swallowed those things three or four times a day for at least two weeks.
Once, because of a relapse, I took an antibee for a month.

As soon as I started any antibee, the working life of my Sinemet almost
doubled.  The one time I was forced to take the drug for a month, I don't
beleive I ever had an "off" period the entire time while taking small doses
of Sinemet three times a day. (Of course, this was only two-and-one-half
years after diagnosis, so I was still fairly normal.)

After this happened three times, I mentioned it to my neuro.  Figured I would
at least be awarded the Novel Prize or something similar for this amazing
discovery. He laughed, jotted down a note, and said he would check with his
research friends to see if any studies had ever been done. As far as I know,
he never followed through.

The last time I took any antibee's was about four months ago. (Again, a sinus
infection.) Effect on the Sinemet was not quite so dramatic, but the
effective life of the pills still was extended.

Who knows? Maybe we've stumbled onto something.  Or maybe the AMA and the
drug companies --- along with the United Nations, the Zionist Occupational
Government, the World Bank, the liberal media, the movie industry and Jane
Fonda --- are involved in a conspiracy to keep this from all us Parkies.

Seriously, I'm interested in the further developments with your meds. Keep us

As Barb asked in her original message, anyone else had similar experiences
with antibiotics?

Any theories, Brian?

Get well . . . and keep laughing.

Stan Houston (54/6)
Cat Spring, Texas 78933
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