

Stan R. Houston wrote:&nbsp;

<BR>Your note regarding the antibiotics sparked a memory I had completely
<BR>forgotten about.
<BR>Since I was diagnosed with PD six years ago, I've been forced to take
<BR>antibee's several times. (Sorry, don't rememeber the names.)&nbsp; Usually
for a
<BR>sinus infection.
<BR>I swallowed those things three or four times a day for at least two weeks.
<BR>Once, because of a relapse, I took an antibee for a month.
<BR>As soon as I started any antibee, the working life of my Sinemet almost
<BR>doubled.&nbsp; The one time I was forced to take the drug for a month,
I don't
<BR>beleive I ever had an &quot;off&quot; period the entire time while taking
small doses
<BR>of Sinemet three times a day. (Of course, this was only two-and-one-half
<BR>years after diagnosis, so I was still fairly normal.)
<BR>After this happened three times, I mentioned it to my neuro.&nbsp; Figured
I would
<BR>at least be awarded the Novel Prize or something similar for this amazing
<BR>discovery. He laughed, jotted down a note, and said he would check with
<BR>research friends to see if any studies had ever been done. As far as I
<BR>he never followed through.
<BR>The last time I took any antibee's was about four months ago. (Again, a
<BR>infection.) Effect on the Sinemet was not quite so dramatic, but the
<BR>effective life of the pills still was extended.
<BR>Who knows? Maybe we've stumbled onto something.&nbsp; Or maybe the AMA
and the
<BR>drug companies --- along with the United Nations, the Zionist Occupational
<BR>Government, the World Bank, the liberal media, the movie industry and Jane
<BR>Fonda --- are involved in a conspiracy to keep this from all us Parkies.
<BR>Seriously, I'm interested in the further developments with your meds. Keep
<BR>As Barb asked in her original message, anyone else had similar experiences
<BR>with antibiotics?
<BR>Any theories, Brian?
<BR>Get well . . . and keep laughing.
<BR>Stan Houston (54/6)
<BR>Cat Spring, Texas 78933
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&nbsp;Stan and Barb,
<BR>It is not uncommon for one drug to interfere with the metabolism of another
and if I recall correctly Flagel has unusual characteristics&nbsp; that
way.&nbsp; Has anyone else experienced changes especially with Flagel but
also with any other antibiotic- (and please specify which one) of either
improvement or increased dyskinesia?
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