

At 12:14 PM 3/3/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I am curious about this Daily Symptom Status Evaluator.  Can someone send me
>info about it?
>Much thanks!
>Mary Brenzel                                    Voice:  716-687-3175
>Senior Programmer/Analyst                       Fax:    716-687-3366
>Fisher-Price, Inc.                              Email:  [log in to unmask]
>636 Girard Avenue
>East Aurora, NY  14052
>                          Our Work Is Child's Play
>Hi Mary,

I sent you the total package of the DSSE underseparate Email. The package
contains 5 separate sheets, hence it is less of a memory burden then the
whole group getting it. Anyway, the DSSE is a system to help monitor and
record a number of symptoms of PD. There are 18 specific and most common of
the PD symptoms, plus a form that is free of symptoms that allowes one to
write what information or unique set of reactions they wish to record. In
addition there is a form for noting medications, dosages, physician, and
date of use. The design is set up so one may use a three hole loss leaf ring
binder, and for easy copy of the forms. The symptom pages are set up for 7
days. The introduction explains the coding suggested, essentially,  +,0, or
-, and am or pm times to record. The purpose of this is to help document the
PWP to better communicate with their caegivers, family, doctors and their
support system friends.

We have been asked to develope a more finite system for drug reaction, and
we are trying to come up with a relatively easy form for that. What research
has clearly defined is the problem of compliance. This has also been true
even with research subjects. What we have tried to do is to make the
procedure simple and easy, and, if I may, fun to use.

Many of the "major" contributors of this Information Exchange List have
addressed the problem of MANAGEMENT of Parkinson's Disease, and the
necessary involvement with one's treatment. We think our DSSE offers that
opportunity. We have attempted to keep it simple, with the understanding the
easier it is to use the more participation, the more complicated the less.

You may write me or Joyce Saylor at:  [log in to unmask]

Thanks for your interest, hope this helps

Bernie Barber