

Joan Dykstra wrote:
> I have been trying to put off the PD drugs as long as I can, but my left side
> tremor is sometimes almost unbearable.  I say "almost" only because I have
> survived it, but when I have a migraine the tremor increases dramatically and
> I sometimes think I cannot bear it any longer.  I have been on Eldepryl only
> for eight years.  I know some of you think that to be martyrdom, but it
> generally hasn't felt that way.  Do any of you get migraines?  What have you
> found that helps?  Does your Parkinson's medication affect the migraines?
>    I am thinking of starting Amantadine.  I know it isn't always effective
> for tremor, but it seems the least harmful of the PD medications.  Do any of
> you have experience using Amantadine with just Eldepryl?  or Amantadine
> alone, or Amantadine with any other drugs?  I'd like to hear both favorable
> and unfavorable experiences.
>    Thank you for any light you can shed on the matter.
> Aloha, Joan Dykstra (56/8)

Dear Joan,

Did you suffer from these common migraines before you started on these
drugs ? If so it is quite probable that they are the culprits.

As for my tremors I have a good control on them taking only
levodopa(Sinemet like) and nothing else.

Another fact is that PD reacts strongly with psichological
situations.Then when yours
migraines do start it may be quite possible that your fear from the
pain(you get worried or in panic) that follows it may cause the increase
with the tremors together with other reactions.

Best wishes and good luck,
   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
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   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+