


I'd like to invite you to join NPF's new Interaction Server (NPFis)

This medium allows for the exchange of messages between individuals with common
interests.  It is our hope that this new Interaction Server will be of great
help in keeping anyone interested in Parkinson's, a bit more informed.
These forums will be browsed by NPF's team of professionals from it's
Headquarters, Centers of Excellence, Chapters, and many other places from
around the world.  It is our intention that for every question or concern
posted, there will be someone to answer or address the issue.

You may join via e-mail or via the world wide web.

- - - - - TO JOIN - - - - -

Via e-mail:

1)  send an e-mail message to:          [log in to unmask]
2)  in the body of the message write:           subscribe {firstname} {lastname}
3)  you will receive a confirmation notice.

Once you have joined you may use these additional commands:

1)  send an e-mail message to:          [log in to unmask]
2)  in the body of the message write you may use any of the following:

        unsubscribe     (to leave the list)
        mail            (receive mail as messages are contributed)
        digest          (receive mail once a day with all the messages for that day)
        index           (receive an index of the subject line of the messages for that day)
        ack             (receive confirmation each of your messages was distributed)
        noack           (no confirmation that each of your messages was distributed)
        query           (returns e-mail message with your settings)
        search {keywords}
                        (returns past messages that contain your keywords)

To join via the world wide web:

1)  Visit our site at and use the link to the NPF
Interaction Server.  This method also allows you to pick and choose only the
messages you
wish to read.

If you have any questions please send an email message to:
[log in to unmask]

As always, in case of immediate assistance you may call NPF at
1-800-327-4545 in the U.S.