

Pine,  you wrote

> inemet.  When it is working optimally, I feel quite sexy; when I'm
> "off," I could care less, which is just as well, since performance is
> impossible.  All I am capable of then is what my husband calls the "dead
> elk syndrome:" just lie there and do nothing.
> Naturally, fatigue plays a role, as it does with everyone.  If sexual
> encounters are timed so they take place when energy and interest are at
> their peak, it can be a rewarding experience.

Dear Pine

I have the same experience you have. Sinemet working as a aphrodisiacum, but
only with good timing. I am not an exception. In personal contacts the same has
been told about 10 times. But it is neither a rule. The loss of all sexual
sexual feeling is no exception too.  And even in betrween; no change is

                      Ida Kamphuis