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JON A MEYER wrote:&nbsp;

<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>On Tue, 4 Mar 1997 15:13:13 -0500 Ron Murphy &lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;
<BR><I>&gt;I'm 43 diagnosed 3 years ago take 4 25/100mg Sentiment and 3</I>
<BR><I>&gt;Bromocriptine Mesylate 2.5mg per day.</I>
<BR><I>&gt;I'm having a great deal of difficulty with muscle cramps in my legs</I>
<BR><I>&gt;feet.&nbsp; Is this part of PD and if so does anyone know of away
<BR><I>&gt;Lost in a small village in Arkansas</I>
<BR>Hi Ron
<BR>I was having the same problem. My neuro said it was a side effect of the
<BR>meds. He reduced my Sinemet and it helped a little but I still have the
<BR>cramps. He also ordered a blood test to check for low calcium and
<BR>Jon Meyer 40/1 ([log in to unmask])
<BR>another Hoosier
&nbsp;Hi Ron &amp; Jon,&nbsp;
<BR>I had&nbsp; a problem with leg and foot cramps about a year ago when I
was first diagnosed with PD.At the time there was a thread on the list
that gave a routine of starting with a large dose of Vitamin E, about 4000
IU's and gradually reducing the amount. ( You can probably find the correct
info in the archives. It worked for me, got rid of the cramps within about
a week. My Dr. ( Abraham Lieberman)
<BR>said I didn't need to take Vitamin E and he changed my schedule of one
50/200 Sinemet CR twice a day, to 1/2 Tab 4 times a day. I don't know which
worked but I stopped the Vitamin E and I haven't had a problem with cramps
<BR>Good Luck, hope this helps you find the answer for you.


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FN:Bob  Chapman
EMAIL;INTERNET:[log in to unmask]
NOTE:Sun Lakes, AZ
