

Ok - I didn't think I was going to do this TODAY, but I guess it can't
hurt.  My name is Becky and my father, 53, has been diagnosed with
Parkinson's about 6 months ago.  I don't know much about it AT ALL and
started surfing the web and bumped into this List, so I
joined...yesterday.  The posts were so helpful, I decided to post myself.
I could use some assistance in understanding some things:
What EXACTLY (or as much that is known) causes PD?  Is it that there is
not enough dopamine secreted or it isn't used efficiently by the body?
What is dopamine?
What is PWP (person with parkinson?)?
What is Sinemet and why are young people steered away from it?  AND, what
is considered young?
What is fetal tissue transplant?  Is it the pig tissue transplants that I
just started reading about?
Are there different TYPES of PD?
How long can someone with PD be expected to live once diagnosed?
I know there isn't a cure, but how close are they to one?
Are there any FOODS that promote the secretion of dopamine?
I can use whatever help you can offer...
About 5 years ago, my dad had to have bi-pass surgery in his legs for
cramping (there was a significant decrease in blood flow to his
legs)...and the surgery has helped.  But, now he is now getting the
cramping back, but the doctors state that it isn't the same problem.  Is
cramping a side effect of a particular drug? OR is it a symptom of PD?
I'm from the Central Jersey area...if anyone knows of a good 'clinic' or
physician in the area that would be appreciated.
