

This site will be of some help.
>From:  Becky Moskowitz[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent:  Wednesday, March 05, 1997 2:09 PM
>To:    Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
>Subject:       Introduction and request for Help
>Ok - I didn't think I was going to do this TODAY, but I guess it can't
>hurt.  My name is Becky and my father, 53, has been diagnosed with
>Parkinson's about 6 months ago.  I don't know much about it AT ALL and
>started surfing the web and bumped into this List, so I
>joined...yesterday.  The posts were so helpful, I decided to post myself.
>I could use some assistance in understanding some things:
>What EXACTLY (or as much that is known) causes PD?  Is it that there is
>not enough dopamine secreted or it isn't used efficiently by the body?
>What is dopamine?
>What is PWP (person with parkinson?)?
>What is Sinemet and why are young people steered away from it?  AND, what
>is considered young?
>What is fetal tissue transplant?  Is it the pig tissue transplants that I
>just started reading about?
>Are there different TYPES of PD?
>How long can someone with PD be expected to live once diagnosed?
>I know there isn't a cure, but how close are they to one?
>Are there any FOODS that promote the secretion of dopamine?
>I can use whatever help you can offer...
>About 5 years ago, my dad had to have bi-pass surgery in his legs for
>cramping (there was a significant decrease in blood flow to his
>legs)...and the surgery has helped.  But, now he is now getting the
>cramping back, but the doctors state that it isn't the same problem.  Is
>cramping a side effect of a particular drug? OR is it a symptom of PD?
>I'm from the Central Jersey area...if anyone knows of a good 'clinic' or
>physician in the area that would be appreciated.