

No more, not today!
I woke up this morning and I started crying.
I could not stop and did not want to.
I've tried to be brave, have hope, keep a stiff upper lip.
Bull shit!
I'm tired, hurt, scared.
Everyone says I'm brave and have lots of courage.
Truth be known, I'm scared half to death!
I'm tired of waking up each morning to a body that won't work
and when it does, it jerks like a puppet on a string.
I'm tired of  "help me please" and "I can't move".
I'm tired of not being able to do simple things
when I want to do them.
I'm tired of feeling like I've made slaves of those I love!
I'm tired, I tell you! I want out!
That's my self pity for the century.
Forgive me, but I must take time to cry and be angry.
For me.

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