

Emma Bennion & al;
I agree with you.  Diagnosed at 51, at first, I wanted little to do with the
older and less active PWP ( because my interst and future was different? )
  NOw , I realize that the same attitude that wants to tear the extended
family apart is at work within our PD family. i.e.  separate activities for
the pre-teens, teens, adults  and senior citezens, sepaate TVs and activity
rooms in the home, separate parties, &c.  The "Ugly Face" of PD hasn't
separated us in its selection process. I say keep the family together in our
survival fight.  Right they are when they say,  we PWPs, CGs and Young Onset
PWPs  have much in common.  Give me a figure. like 95% in common would you
say? And are our differencs really so diferent? My sex life, career plan,
surgical options, the way the public responds to me is the same now that I am
53 as it was when I was 49. There may be some percieved diffferences.  BUt I
am struggling to survive against the same monstrous enemy.  Some YOPWPs are
in wheelchairs at 45 and some PWPs are running 2 miles a day at 65 years, How
do e separate them/ And should we?   We all have the liberty to socialize
with whomever we choose. But in matters of PD we should stand and be counted
as one community of pilgrim survivalists.