

Dear listfriends - WHEN ARE YOU YOUNG - AND WHEN ARE YOU OLD??. That`s the
question,  compared to a person who is 80 years old am I still "young". I´m
58 years old but compared to my son (34)  I`m "old". When I`m "on" I`m
feeling "young" when I`m "off" I`m  tired and old.  When I started to join
our local Parkinson club three years ago, where I just had got my diagnose,
I was so happy because I had the possibility to talk with people much older
than me, and with lots of experience about P.D. Every time I was
worried,angry and much more I could call them and ask for information or
just cry, and it was allso fine to find out, that after about 15 years with
the diagnose, they were still going strong, I didn`t felt that everything
was hopeless At this time I was the only "young" as they told me. Two years
ago  we started the "Danyaps". From the beginning it was ment that we could
only be a "Danyap" until the age of 56, because then we were too OLD to be
an younger. IF it had to be in this way there would only be about 10
younger in Jutland, and now we are about 250 members to day. So is was
decided that each person coul be a "Danyap" as long as they needed it
When I join the list I`m not interested in age, the most importent to me is
that the one, who answer me, is an understanding human being. I hope there
is space for ALL regardless of age.