

Hi Ida Kamphuis <[log in to unmask]>, you wrote

>> As Jeremy Brown then goes on to say
>> >>> If it's any help, John, I can understand your boss's position: he only

>I had to read it twice before I believed that Jeremy really said what he said.
>The sentence:"as long as you don't start playing on your invalidity" is
>It seems to say the diseased is completely responsible for what happens to him

Indeed, I "SEEM" to have said it all wrong.

>Jeremy, if John's boss should ask your advice on this matter, what should you

Oh that's EASY! I'ld say:
"If you really need to ask advice on treating your staff properly, it's
time you went on a course on Motivation & Teamwork! People are still
people, whatever status they hold."

>John, lack of adequate adaptation of the work for PWP's might be caused by
>misunderstanding of the consequences of the disease. Are you sure John your
>boss understands the impact of your disease? We all know that is especially for
>PWP's a big problem.

Ahhh, NOW you come closer to my way of thinking.


Best regards.

Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Shaking Hands BBS - +44 (0)1252 626233 - Fidonet 2:252/160