

I'm joinning Bob Dolezal in presenting this plan of action( see separate
post).  The plan is the same, the appeal a little different.  I hope that
one of these appeals motivates everyone.  This plan had substantial input
from Teri Whitling and Bob Martone among many others.  After a long winter
staring at the specter of a year of lost opportunity (our failure to pass
the Udall Bill), I feel the excitement of spring and a new initiative
building.  As the bulbs begin to  break their way out of their dormancy, I
see my fellow advocates beginning  to emerge.  Just as these bulbs will
surely burst into the warm sunshine of summer, I look forward to basking in
the success of passing the Udall Bill.


Now is the time.  Our leaders have positioned us such that victory is ours
for the
taking. That victory is increased funding for Parkinson's research (the
Udall Bill).
We now have a plan.

1) WRITE & CALL/VISIT IN DISTRICT - The last week in March and
the first week in April  Congress is on recess.  Visit every Congressman
and Senator possible during that two week period and    politely insist that
cosponsor the Udall Bill which will be introduced upon their return.  Prior

to a visit or if you can't visit - write or call (800-962-3542 the capitol
switchboard, just ask for your Congressman or Senator)  Calls and letters
are not as effective as a visit but are the next best thing (on their own)
compliment a visit(demonstrating the visitor represents many more)

2) INTRODUCTION - The Udall Bill will be introduced by Senator
McCain and Congressman Upton on Apr. 9th. Equally vital to the ultimate
success is the support of their minority counterparts Senator Wellstone and
Congressman Waxman

3) ALI AT APPROPRIATIONS - Two weeks later, on April 23rd,
Muhammed Ali will be on Capitol Hill to testify before the House
Appropriations Committee.  We will recruit a group of advocates and go to
Washington that week to contact any and all of those who have not yet
agreed to cosponsor.  Word of Ali's  presence on the Hill should maximize
our presence and impact.

4) FINALE - On April 29, as the grand finale, PAN has its annual Udall
Awards dinner.  By that time we should have as cosponsors the majority of
both houses.

We then will have given our political leaders (McCain, Wellstone, Upton and

Waxman) a majority in both Houses  far earlier than last year and Congress
not be  adjourning early for a presidential election.  We will also have
given them
something almost as important -  a dramatic demonstration of the unity and
resolve of the Parkinson's community.   A  message that we will not be

My challenge is to come up with the words that will motivate people, many
may have never been  involved in politics or perhaps do not even know who
Congressman is,  to summons up the nerve, resolve, chutzpa, cojones (call
it what
you will), and  go see their Congressman and Senators. There is simply no
substitute for seeing your elected official in person.  If during that
visit you convey
the misery brought about by this affliction and establish that a cure or
effective treatment is close, then that person must look you in the eyes
and either
say  "Yes, I will help" or "No, I will condemn you to a life of disease and

suffering".  The latter is extremely difficult for one human to say to
another. If you
have Parkinson's and would like to do your part to cure this hideous
disease, plan
on seeing your Congressman in person during those two weeks. Call now as
may have to convince their aides that you will see your elected official if
you have
to sit on the door step.  Tenacity should not be a problem for those who
daily with this scourge.

You cannot convey this emotion by phone or letter.  You cannot convey this
emotion through an aide.  It takes a personal visit and it works.   My wife
and I have
personally seen 23 elected officials and 19 have agreed to cosponsor.
we have spoken to 20 aides and only 10 of those elected officials have
agreed to
cosponsor.    If you want to one day have the freedom of movement we all
use to
take for granted, you simply must seize this opportunity.

This is it folks.   We need to get this legislation passed now.  We must
demonstrate that the Parkinson's community has the resolve to demand that
obtain the breakthrough that the neuroscientists tell us is so
tantalizingly close.
We cannot keep coming back year after year with the same message.  This is
year we must get it done.

Jim Cordy
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