

Fellow Parkinson's Advocates:

I am sending this in concert with another personal message to you from Jim
Cordy.  We are both proposing essentially the same plan of action, with a
few  differences.

We are finally in a position to see the Udall bill become law. The efforts
of many - Parkinsonians, caregivers, relatives and friends - brought us to
this point.  What is needed now is one last big push, from each of us, to
make certain this opportunitiy does not, as others have before, slip away.

BE A PEST!  -  By letter and phone, tell your reps that you want their
support for the Udall Parkinson's Research bill.  From now until March  24,
write letters and telephone, get friends and relatives to sign letters and
telephone, and generally make pests of yourselves with your representatives
and senators.  Call their local office, and 1-800-962-3524 in Washington,
send letters to their Washington office, and tell them you are counting on
their support.

One approach - and it did work with Senator McCain, because his staff told
us we were real pests, and they sat up and noticed - is to coordinate a
massive letter-writing campaign with a massive call-in campaign.  We are
doing this with Kyl next week.  Between now and March 21 we are writing,
including multi-signature letters, to his DC office.  On  March 20 and 21,
we will try to flood his switchboard with calls asking his position on the
Udall bill.  It makes an impression.

MEET THEM -  They go on recess March 21.  Do all you can to arrange a
meeting with them, between March 21 and April 4, while they are home.  Tell
them, pulling no punches, what the disease is doing to you.  Look at them
and ask "Will  you help us, or will you let us and millions more suffer
unnecessarily?"   Wait  until they answer.

It is also useful to cite a few numbers:  AIDS research gets $1,070 per
patient per year versus less than $20 for Parkinson's; PD costs society
some $40 billion a year; the average age at onse t is 57, meaning one-half
of us were under 57 when diagnosed!

It cannot be stressed enough that  ALL of us, including - if not especially
-  Parkinsonians with severe symptoms, meet with our congressional
representatives and/or their staff.

INTRODUCTION - As you know, the Udall bill is scheduled to be introduced by
Sen. McCain and Congressman Upton on April 9.  They deserve a thank  you
note from each of us.

GO TO DC WITH MUHAMMAD ALI -  On April 23, Ali will be on Capital Hill to
testifiy before the House Appropriations Committee (Rep. Skeen of N.M., who
recently disclosed that he has PD, is a  member).   We will form a group of
advocates to be in Washington that week, to contact all who have not agreed
to co-sponsor.   Ali's  presence at the committee  meeting will be enough
to attract  the media.  We, too,  will be there, and in numbers,  prepared
to tell them our story.

IN CONCLUSION - This is the opportunity we have been working toward, our
chance at last to secure the funding we need and, by all objective
measurements, deserve.

Each of you will have to decide how you want to participate.  Will you push
your legislators for a personal meeting, look them in the eye and ask "Will
you help us?"

Will you devote the hours it will take to write and call, and encourage
others to do so as well?  Are you willing to put together a phone blitz to
tie-up a congressional line for a day or two?

Are you tired enough of this hideous disease, and what it is doing to us,
to resolve to do everything in  your  power to help Sens. McCain and
Wellstone, and Reps. Upton and Waxman, guide the Udall bill through the
perilous process of congressional approval?

The scientists are ready.  Our congressional leaders are ready.

Are we?