

I have been asked by the Parkinson's Action Network to post the following:
March 14, 1997

The Udall bill has been finalized and is set for introduction in the
Senate and House on Wednesday, April 9th!  The press conference
featuring the bill's sponsors -- Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Paul
Wellston (D-MN), and Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Henry Waxman
(D-CA) -- as well as representatives of the Parkinson's community, is
scheduled for 11:00 am that morning.

Parkinson's community needs to do all it can in the coming weeks to
contact Senators and Representatives urging them to sign onto the bill.
The ultimate goal is to help our Udall champions introduce the bill with
a majority of cosponsors in each body -- 50 Senators and 218
Representatives.  Working as hard as possible, this ambitious goal is
attainable.  Call your Legislators' Washington, DC offices toll-free at
800-962-3524, speak with the Legislative Assistant responsible for
health care or medical research issues, urge them to immediately support
the Udall bill, and ask for a definitive response whether or not their
boss will cosponsor.  Be polite but persistant until you get a
definitive response.  Never hesitate to contact the Network for

These updates are intended to inform and inspire Parkinson's activists,
and you are encouraged to publish, reproduce and distribute them to any
and all interested persons.

Senate:  The latest cosponsor is indeed a significant one: New York
Republican Alfonse D'Amato.  Despite a heroic effort by local advocates,
Senator D'Amato did not cosponsor the bill in the 104th Cngress.  Three
cheers to the New York area advocates for their persistance and
perseverence this year!

House:  Representatives Upton and Waxman will circulate their Dear
Colleague letter next week and then begin signing up cosponsors.  Please
contact your Representatives and urge them to sign on to the Udall bill

Cosponsor Count

Due to the lack of House cosponsors, the entire list of Senate
cosponsors is listed below.  When you see any of your local Legislators
listed here, please contact them to say, "Thanks for supporting the
Udall bill!"

SENATE : 22    HOUSE: 00

Paul Wellstone (D-MN)*
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)*
Christopher (Kit) Bond (R-MO)*
Barbara Boxer (D - CA)*
Richard Bryan (D - NV)*
Conrad Burns (R-MT)
Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO)*
Thad Cochran (R-MS)*
Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY)
Thomas Daschle (D - SD)*
Christopher Dodd (D-CT)*
John Glenn (D-OH)*
Charles Grassley (R-IA)*
Tom Harkin (D-IA)*
Ernest Hollings (D-SC)*
Daniel Inouye (D-HI)*
Patrick Leahy (D-VT)*
Connie Mack (R-FL)*
Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)*
Charles Robb (D-VA)*
Robert Torricelli (D-NJ)**

* = Cosponsor in 104th Congress
** = House Cosponsor in 104th Congress
Parkinson's Action  Network
818 College Ave., Suite C
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
phone  707-544-1994
fax  707-544-2363
email:  [log in to unmask]
Washington, DC office
601  13th St. NW., Suite 310
Washington, DC 20005
phone    202-628-2079
fax    202-628-2077
Brad Udall, Chair
Joan I. Samuelson, President
John L. Dodge, Treasurer
Bonnie K. Mioduchoski, Administrator
Michael Claeys, Community Coordinator
The Action Reporter is a free publication of the Parkinson's Action Network,
a  non-profit charitable foundation for a cure for Parkinson's.  Use of this
material in other publications is welcomed.  We ask that the Network be
identified as the source of the material, and notified how,  when and where
the material is used.  Simply call 800-850-4726