

In case anyone hasn't seen it yet, (I haven't seen one here lately),
here is a list of the cosponsors from last year with dates they
signed on (or off).  I didn't edit the list for who wasn't
re-elected in '96.

                      COSPONSORS, 104TH CONGRESS
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

Abercrombie  04/06/95  Frank        04/06/95  Nadler       05/09/96
Ackerman     05/23/95  Franks, B.   06/20/96  Neal         07/10/96
Andrews      04/06/95  Frazer       03/27/96  Norton       07/19/95
Baesler      07/10/96  Frelinghuysen05/30/96  Norwood      09/18/96
Baker, B.    02/06/96  Frost        03/27/96  Oberstar     04/06/95
Barcia       09/10/96  Furse        09/10/96  Olver        01/22/96
Barr         07/18/96  Gallegly     06/06/96  Orton        07/10/96
Barrett, T.  09/27/96  Gejdenson    07/19/95  Owens        05/09/96
Beilenson    12/07/95  Geren        07/10/96  Oxley        06/20/96
Bentsen      03/06/96  Gilchrest    05/07/96  Pallone      04/06/95
Bereuter     05/09/96  Gilman       12/07/95  Pastor       04/06/95
Berman       05/16/96  Gonzalez     06/06/96  Payne, D.    04/16/96
Bevill       05/30/96  Goodling     10/19/95  Pelosi       05/23/95
Bilbray      06/06/96  Gordon       05/30/96  Peterson, C. 06/18/96
Bishop       05/16/96  Green        07/24/96  Petri        09/10/96
Blute        07/10/96  Greene       06/20/96  Pombo        07/18/96
Boehlert     12/07/95  Greenwood    04/06/95  Pomeroy      07/18/96
Bono         09/18/96  Gutierrez    04/17/96  Portman      05/07/96
Borski       06/19/95  Hall, T.     06/06/96  Poshard      06/06/96
Boucher      05/10/95  Hall, R.     07/19/95   (withdrew  06/27/96)
Browder      05/16/96  Hastings, A. 05/23/95  Pryce        05/07/96
Brown, S.    12/07/95  Hayworth     09/10/96  Quillen      02/28/96
Brown, G.    07/10/96  Hefley       09/10/96  Quinn        03/12/96
Brown, C.    05/30/96  Hefner       08/01/96  Rahall       08/04/95
Bryant, J.   05/07/96  Hilliard     05/16/96  Ramstad      12/07/95
Bunn         05/09/96  Hinchey      05/10/95  Rangel       05/23/95
Bunning      07/10/96  Hobson       05/09/96  Reed         09/10/96
Callahan     05/30/96  Holden       04/18/96  Reynolds     07/19/95
 (withdrew  06/19/96)  Horn         07/10/96  Richardson   10/19/95
Calvert      06/18/96  Hutchinson   07/10/96  Rivers       05/01/96
Camp         09/10/96  Jackson Lee  05/23/95  Roemer       05/30/96
Campbell     05/07/96  Jacobs       05/09/96  Romero B     09/18/96
Cardin       03/12/96  Jefferson    07/24/96  Rose         07/24/96
Chabot       06/06/96  Johnson, N.  01/22/96  Roybal A     06/06/96
Chambliss    07/24/96  Johnson, T.  05/30/96  Rush         06/20/96
Chapman      05/01/96  Johnson, E.  06/20/96  Sabo         09/06/95
Christensen  06/18/96  Johnston     05/10/95  Sanders      09/06/95
Clay         03/27/96  Kanjorski    04/18/96  Sawyer       05/16/96
Clayton      07/18/96  Kaptur       05/23/95  Schiff       06/19/95
Clement      09/06/95  Kasich       05/16/96  Schroeder    04/18/96
Clinger      05/16/96  Kelly        05/01/96  Schumer      06/18/96
Clyburn      06/18/96  Kennedy, J.  07/19/95  Seastrand    05/09/96
Coburn       05/16/96  Kennedy, P.  07/10/96  Serrano      06/19/95
Coleman      06/18/96  Kildee       01/22/96  Shays        08/01/96
Condit       05/01/96  Kingston     07/10/96  Sisisky      04/06/95
Conyers      06/20/96  Kleczka      04/06/95  Skaggs       07/24/96
Coyne        04/06/95  Klink        12/07/95  Skeen        03/06/96
Cramer       05/30/96  Klug         08/01/96  Slaughter    02/06/96
Cummings     07/18/96  Kolbe        12/07/95  Smith, C.    04/17/96
Cunningham   06/06/96  LaFalce      05/09/96   (withdrew  05/29/96)
Davis        12/07/95  Lantos       08/04/95  Spratt       08/01/96
de la Garza  07/24/96  Levin        08/01/96  Stark        09/06/95
Deal         05/30/96  Lewis, John  09/06/95  Stearns      06/20/96
DeFazio      06/19/95  Lipinski     06/20/96   (withdrew  07/18/96)
DeLauro      02/06/96  Lofgren      05/23/95  Stockman     01/22/96
DeLay        06/20/96  Longley      04/18/96  Stokes       06/18/96
Dellums      09/06/95  Lowey        04/06/95  Studds       04/06/95
Deutsch      04/06/95  Lucas        09/10/96  Stupak       04/18/96
Dicks        09/10/96  Maloney      05/09/96  Tanner       08/01/96
Dingell      04/06/95  Manton       01/22/96  Tejeda       07/18/96
Dixon        04/06/95  Markey       04/06/95  Thompson     12/07/95
Dooley       05/30/96  Martinez     05/07/96  Thornton     08/01/96
Doolittle    09/10/96  Mascara      05/01/96  Thurman      06/19/95
Doyle        10/19/95  Matsui       08/04/95  Torkildsen   07/10/96
Duncan       07/18/96  McDade       04/18/96  Torres       10/19/95
Dunn         06/18/96  McDermott    04/06/95  Torricelli   08/04/95
Durbin       02/28/96  McDonald     09/10/96  Towns        04/06/95
Ehlers       02/06/96  McHale       04/18/96  Traficant    05/16/96
Ehrlich      09/10/96  McKeon       07/24/96  Upton        04/06/95
Engel        07/19/95  McKinney     03/27/96  Velazquez    06/19/95
English      08/04/95  McNulty      07/10/96  Volkmer      01/22/96
Ensign       09/10/96  Meehan       06/18/96   (withdrew  06/06/96)
Eshoo        07/19/95  Meek         05/16/96  Ward         05/30/96
Evans        05/23/95  Menendez     04/17/96  Weldon, C.   05/16/96
Faleomavaega 03/27/96  Miller, G.   04/06/95  Whitfield    07/10/96
Farr         12/07/95  Mineta       06/19/95  Williams     05/07/96
Fazio        12/07/95  Mink         04/06/95  Wilson       05/09/96
Fields, J.   05/09/96  Moakley      05/23/95  Wise         05/23/95
Filner       07/19/95  Molinari     03/27/96  Wolf         05/09/96
Flake        06/20/96  Montgomery   08/01/96  Woolsey      04/06/95
Foglietta    10/19/95  Moran        08/04/95  Wynn         09/06/95
Forbes       09/06/95  Morella      04/06/95  Yates        07/19/95
Fox          12/07/95  Murtha       08/04/95  Zimmer       09/10/96


Bennett      07/24/96  Glenn        06/26/95  Moseley-Braun07/23/96
Biden        12/15/95  Gorton       05/22/96  Moynihan     05/23/96
Bingaman     06/29/95  Graham       09/26/96  Murkowski    09/11/96
Bond         07/19/96  Grassley     07/17/96  Murray       06/20/96
Boxer        04/06/95  Harkin       04/16/96  Nunn         07/24/96
Bradley      04/16/96  Hatch        06/20/96  Pell         06/06/95
Bryan        06/18/96  Hollings     07/24/95  Pryor        05/17/95
Campbell     07/23/96  Inhofe       06/11/96  Reid         11/29/95
Coats        05/22/96  Inouye       04/06/95  Robb         06/20/96
Cochran      04/06/95  Jeffords     04/29/96  Rockefeller  02/29/96
Cohen        03/20/96  Johnston     06/06/96  Santorum     09/20/95
Coverdell    06/04/96  Kennedy      03/06/96  Sarbanes     05/09/96
Craig        07/23/96  Kerrey       04/06/95  Simon        04/06/95
Daschle      06/06/95  Kerry        06/20/96  Simpson      04/06/95
DeWine       05/03/96  Lautenberg   05/17/95  Smith        06/07/96
Dodd         09/18/95  Leahy        04/22/96  Snowe        04/16/96
Domenici     07/17/96  Levin        07/25/96  Specter      07/13/95
Faircloth    09/26/96  Mack         07/11/96  Stevens      04/06/95
Feinstein    11/13/95  McCain       05/09/96  Warner       07/24/95
Ford         05/11/95  McConnell    06/20/96  Wellstone    04/06/95
Frist        06/12/95  Mikulski     05/17/95
