

When I applied for my SS Disability it went through the first time, all
on the basis of Parkinson's. In fact, I had a very pleasing experience
with the government, no one ever questioned the truth of my statements
and the case worker I was assigned walked me through the whole process
without my ever having to appear at their office.
   Some things I KNOW. Always appeal the decisions. NEVER wait. If you
are denied, then and only then seek the services of an attorney, one who
specializes in the appeal process. ALWAYS ask to use your own doctors,
not the government docs. And get copies of EVERYTHING. Most docs will be
very upfront about what they put on the forms. You must have that
   If you tell SS that you can only walk one block and your doc says you
are limited to one mile, it raises a question. If you say you can't read
because of double vision and inability to hold the newspaper still, and
your doc says reading isn't a problem, it raises a question. Every
question raised is cause for SS to decline.
   I took my filled in forms to the doctor and had him read and
understand why I made each statement. When he did his evaluation it
looked exactly like mine.
   I also asked him to preview the neurologist statements and to suggest
changes to him.
   It took a lot of effort, but the fact that it went through without
question says a lot about the method. Just be prepared to go through
another evaluation every five or so years. SS doesn't understand that
there is no going back for us.
   It's extremely frustrating, I know. But the other side of the coin is
that the system is wide open to extreme abuse and those caseworkers are
the frontline against massive fraud on an overspent government. (Sure
they spent $250,000 so the Pres can get a haircut on Air Force One, but
that's another letter.)
   Get all the suggestions and help you can get from this group. There's
a goldmine of information here. Please utilize it, and ask all the
questions you want. That's what this group is all about.
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