

Elizabeth --Forgive me if I came across a little too heavy-handed. If
the reason your doc didn't give you Sinemet is because he didn't feel
you needed it, there is no problem. If he didn't give it to you because
you are a woman -- that would make me blow up.
   The first real PD med I took was Elderpryl. It did wonders for awhile
(wrote a novel in two months). Then it was symmetrel (amatadine) and a
witches brew of other drugs. My old doc had no idea what medication to
give, so we would sit in his office with the Drug Reference Guide and
try different combinations.
   When I changed doctors (moved and joined a HMO), I visited with the
new doc and told him I wanted to be in charge of my medication routine.
He had no problem with that, was probably relieved, in fact.
   PD is different from a lot of other medical problems. Unlike cancer
or heart problems, for instance, we know exactly how we are doing at any
given time. I strongly suggest that every PWP learn as much as they can
about PD, about the possible medications and the effects. We, not the
docs, are best able to judge what is working and what isn't.
   But we also need intelligent input, and that's where a knowledgeable
doctor is worth his/her weight in gold. I'm sure they're out there, I
just haven't found one. BTW, the basis for my distrust of doctors comes
from the interaction of the medical profession and those who suffer with
Agent Orange related problems, but that's for another newsgroup.
   In the words of someone else -- speak softly, just carry a big stick.
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