

The following may apply here.  This is a letter received from Univ. Of San
Francisco Parkinsons Disease Clinic in Feb. of '95.  Dr. Michael Aminoff
(MD), Director, and Dr. Glenna Dowling (RN, PhD), Cooridinator both signed
it. I have not heard anything further on this - has anyone else?
Roberta  - CG for Clyde 64/5+
ps - according to the Professionals Guide to Patient Drug Facts-  Hytrin
(Terazosin) is an "Alpha-1-Adrenergic Blocker, used to treat high blood
pressure, which dilates both veins and arteries to reduce resistance against
which the blood must flow.  It also relaxes the muscles around the urethra
and improves symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or swelling of
the prostrate in males."
As with most drugs, the 'possible' side effects listed are numerous.  I urge
all of you, if you haven't already done so, to invest in one or more PDR/Drug
Interaction references, and keep them current - new drugs come along every
month it seems.  I am not exactly saying I don't trust the Doctors, just that
it always pays to do your own checking.

Letter from UCSF

February 1, 1995
"To our patients:
We have recently been informed by Somerset Pharmaceuticals that the drug
Eldepryl (Selegiline) may rarely be associated with serious toxicity when
used in combination with certain antidepressants (see examples below).  If
you are taking Eldepryl in combination with any of these drugs, please call
the prescribing physician for advice as soon as possible."

Tricyclic Antedepressants:
Generic Name (examples)                        Trade Name (examples)

Amitriptyline                                           Elavil
Amitriptyline/perphenazine                     Entrafon

Amitriptyline/chlordiazepoxide               Limbitrol
Amoxapine                                                Asendin
Clomipramine                                           Anafranil
Desipramine                                             Norpramin
Doxepin                                                     Adapin
Imipramine                                               Tofranil
Nortriptyline                                             Aventyl
Protriptyline                                             Vivactil
Trimipramine                                            Surmontil
Trazadone                                                  Desyrel

Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Generic Name                                     Trade Name

Fluoxetine                                                  Prozac
Sertraline                                                  Zoloft
Paroxetine                                                 Paxil
Venlafaxin                                                 Effexor