

Dear List Friends:

Sorry I've been a noncontributor lately. My duties associated with preparing
for the Houston Writers Conference (March 20 - 22) plus trying to help my
wife through some serious emotional crises seem to be taking all my time.

Not to worry.  I will be back. After the Conference next weekend, there
should be less demands on my time. I plan to write a lengthy update next
 week and get back into the thick of things.

(BTW: I'm a finalist in four categories for the Conference's Unpublished
Manuscript Contest -- Mainstream Novel, Mystery Novel, Short Story, and
Short-Short Story. Winners to be announced next Saturday night at an Awards
Banquet. Wish me luck.)

BTW #2: Short status report on my meds. After seeing the PD specialist three
weeks ago, I've been taking a new combination of Sinemet (CD and regular).
The result? Most days, fully functional from about 8:00 a.m until bedtime at
10:00 p.m. (14 hours) with no "offs". It's almost like getting my life back.
More details later.

Looking forward to "talking" with all of you again.

Stan Houston (54/6)
Cat Spring, Texas 78933

PS: Anyone else see "How'd They Do That?" on The Learning Channel last night?
Interesting story on pallidotomy. Showed operation performed on man who has
had PD for 22 years. Operation evidently was very successful.