

hi ALL {GRIN}. Just an update, everthing still going great, g/f has moved
inwith me very much in love, gaoining weight nad confidence daily. Yes
sex can bewonderful for PD'rs and non when based o n mutual love! THe
message here is no matter how bad things Get, and many of you know how
bad htings got for me, prayers to the lord can come to be! He sent me an
angel and i'm not making any more miatakes. I am looking forward to my
fourty first birhtday soon... have set goal of habving other pallidotomy
procedure, competing in traithlon was trainingn for12 yearss ago when PD
hit, marketing a portfolio of aartwork and poetry and an upcoming book
by myself and a great Pd friend an hopeffully remarrying by my next
birthday. Hang in there every body! Miracles happen!
damn the torpodeos-full speed ahead.):