


I would appreciate anyone's comments regarding any correlation between
persons having PD and also having an extremely sensitive reaction of their
nervous system when exposed to certain chemicals, pesticides, and herbi-

Last weekend I was in our Barnes & Noble bookstore browsing through their
Bargain Books (all hardcover books, if that matters).  Within minutes I
was aware of a very strong "chemical" smell in the air and apparently
eminating from the thousands of books.  My lungs and throat felt very
strange and I thought I might pass out so I left the building and went
home.  For the next several hours I felt weak and had difficulty breath-
ing and I trembled all over.  The chemical smell of the bookstore stayed
with me for two days.  My husband, who was with me, had no reaction;
indeed, he was not even aware of the chemical.

I have had several similar reactions in the past when I was in a closed-up
house and a Mosquito Control truck went by, spraying insecticide at our
lawns and which immediately seeped into the house.  No one else in the
house could detect it but to me it was over-powering.  I reacted the same
as described above.  The same thing occurred when a "duster" airplane
kept swooping over our apartment complex which was next to farmland,
spraying the crops with, I later found out, a herbicide.

I have always had the theory that my young-age-onset PD (33) was caused by
my concentrated exposure to DDT as a baby living in a bug-infested
southern state.  (Our small house we rented had been dowsed with the
insecticide by the owner - this was in 1944.)

What I am wondering is could my extreme sensitivity to the chemicals,
herbicides, and pesticides as described above be an indication that my
body cannot absorb the toxicity of these chemicals the way most other
people can?  If this is so, wouldn't it help substantiate my theory of the
cause of my YAOPD, and shouldn't the medical researchers be concentrating
on TOXINS as being the cause of this horrific affliction?

Janice Long (54/20 yrs.)