

Netscape Mail gives you several ways to delete mass quantities of

1) To delete a group of consecutive messages, highlight the first one,
then hold down the SHIFT key and highlight the final one. Everything in
between will be highlighted. Then press the DELETE key or click on the
DELETE icon in Netscape.

2) To selectively delete messages, hold down the CONTROL key and click
on each letter you want to delete. When you have selected all of them,
press the DELETE key or click on the Netscape DELETE icon.

3) Some folks I know are unaware of Netscape's (and most Windows
programs) ability to navigate quickly from word to word by using the
combination of the CONTROL and arrow keys. Very useful. You can also
selectively highlight groups of words by holding down the SHIFT key and
pressing the arrow keys. To move even faster, you can hold down the
SHIFT and CONTROL keys simultaneously, then move the arrow keys to
select and move from word to word.

[I know this may be difficult for PWP but at least it's an alternative
to mousing around.]
