

Don't give up.  Talk to Lupe McCann in NY who pounded her head against
D'Amato's Door for 3.5 years B4 he signed on.  I remember Lupe's great line
when told by a member thaty they couldn't cosponsor.  She said firmly
"That's unacceptable" and just sat therewith no intention of leaving.

However if "Your mother sucks eggs" works for Ashcroff,  it will easily
replace Lupe's line.

Remember they are politicians.  If you turn up the heat, they will cave in!
 More people to write and call.  I thought folks from the Show Me state had
a stuborn streak (my wife likes to call it focused).  Our cause is
compelling.  Each time you get that same letter resolve to get 100 more
phone calls.  You were a school teacher.  How about a field trip for a
social studies class to see how goverment works.  Make sure the press is
there and ask why he won't help cure PD!