

 Peter:  You describe perfectly my husband's reactions to anything out of the
normal routine.  Everything out of the ordinary is STRESSFUL....visitors,
going to the doctor and making any decisions, or just about anything out of
his control.  Life in general is certainly stressful since an adverse reaction
to taking the medication, Hytin.  I think that there is damage physically that
is restricting the blood supply or the affects of his medicine.  His PD
esculated by years and  this was my own diagnosis before seeing the doctors.
I would like to prove that this drug has changed our lives. They try to make
me think that this is the way Parkinson's IS.

As with your case, I need proof and I have had two good responses which I will
acknowledge later.  Their doctors also deny the evident.  It is up to me to
prove my case.  What is the damage?  Is it permanent?  We are at a standstil
while the world keeps moving on.  The law is not there to make us honorable
and caring.  It makes us aware of the unfortunate.  Good luck with the PROOF
that your lives are different because of the accident.  .