

I just got this interesting letter from my web site and I told the
reader I would post it here to see if anyone had heard of an
encepalitis/PD link. Here is the whole letter.

"Coincidentally, my older sister (age 65) and I (age 45) both had
encephalitis when we were young.  Recently, she told me she read that
people who have had encephalitis are at very high risk for developing
Parkinson's Disease.  Where can I get more information on this link?
What are the first signs of PD?

My two sisters, a few aunts, our grandmother, and I have noticed our
hands shaking when held a certain way (a genetic trait) . This gets
worse with age.  I have noticed lately that my head shakes when I hold
it in certain positions--for example, when I lean over my vanity table
to put on eye makeup. I worry that I may be developing PD."

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Parkinsons News From the Front Line