

Charley Countryman wrote.......

>life more difficult for those management types overly engrossed in profit
and >loss and who assume that workers as a general rule are taking advantage

I do not want to turn this forum into a labor vs. management diatribe, but I
feel that Charley's comments need a response.

1.  A company survives in the long run only if it makes a profit.  The
landscape     is littered with the skeletons of out-of-business companies
whose employee's     did not understand this.  Where is Eastern Airlines
(and the jobs that     people had at Eastern Airlines), etc., etc....
2.  Managers are employed and paid to ensure that the company makes a profit.
3.  I know of very few managers who assume that workers are taking advantage
of     the company.  Most managers want to do what is best for the employee
as         well as the company.
4.  Labor and Management must work together, must compromise, to ensure the
success of the enterprise.  Adversarial, combative relationships don't work
anymore in this age of global competition.
                                                        Peace, John