

Please email the Pres. & Vice-Pres. today or tomorrow,
This whole week is the Decade of the Brain Week.

Tell them in your own words what it is like being disabled
with Parkinson's Disease.  Please stress that the new
Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Disease Bill will be introduced
again soon in the Senate and we would really appreciate
them lending their support .

There is really no reason for anyone to be permanently
disabled with a disease  which can be cured.
More research is the key to a cure!!! We are so near and yet
so far away.
 If the same amount of money for research had been
spent on PD, as has been on research for AIDS,   none of us would be
 emailing to a PD group, I'd like to think we'd still keep in
 touch with each other, but not have PD as our only common

I know you are all calling your Senators and Reps.,
now please join in and let the Pres. and Vice-Pres.
know we want, and need their support .  Check
the message by Albert (Joe) Young for the email
address of the Pres. and Vice-Pres.
Thanks Joe and Margaret Tuchman!

Thank you,

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian with PD