

I've been diagnosed for two years and had speech deterioration from the
start.  Low volume, too rapid speaking, mumbling, trailing off, some
stuttering are all my symptoms.  Also, I simply sound illiterate; I have a
hard time putting a completely coherent sentence together.  This is
baffling; perhaps it's because I have to concentrate on speaking so much I
can't concentrate on what I'm trying to say.  I don't know.  Most of the
time I am asked to repeat myself, but the  most disconcerting aspect of it
is people frequently don't bother to ask me to repeat anymore, even though
I know they didn't understand me!

I have been  trying to find a speech therapist but am wondering if it's
going to be worth it based on what your experience has been...

My deteriorated speech was one of the main factors that caused my LTD
carrier to approve my claim.

I would surely like to hear from anyone who has had speech therapy other
than Silverman.  BTW, is there any chance it would be covered by health