

My mother was diagnosed with PD about 8 years ago.  Since then, I have
seen her get progressively worse.  She is on two types of medication:
one is Symmetrel(?) and I'm not sure of the other.  However I have seen
no noticable or unnoticable improvement with the medication.

Lately she is beginning to lose her balance and fall.  This bothers me
as she still works and takes public transportation to and fro.  Several
years ago my sister and I both purchased pagers, should an emergency
occur.  I believe they have been used 3 times to date.  Money well

Mon has refused to let us go with her to the doctor's, but Sis and I are
planning on attending the next visit.  We just don't feel she is telling
him everything.  Or, are all these symptoms normal?  Shouldn't the
medication help with the 'shakes' and balance control?

Thanking you in advance for any insight you could give.
