

You raise an interesting point, Alan. My dad, if not for a certain amount
of luck, and a lot of skill on the part of many doctors and surgeons,
would not be around now at the age of 80 (birthday next Tuesday. He has
had a heart attack at age 39, a bypass at 69, a pacemaker at 71, and
there were a lot of other things too, plus PD. More than once he seemed
to be destined to leave this earthly life, and though his quality of life
could be much better, he keeps on, for which our family is grateful. Dad
has times he wishes it was over, we understand, sadly......Everyone has
to die eventually, but it would be better if we could have our time and
then just "go to sleep" rather than die a little at a time. I guess it is
better to be surprised, than to know when it will end. It's better to
just keep trying to survive, than to give up I admire the courage of all
the PWP's and their families and friends. It helps me cope with what
could happen to me, and what is happening to dad. Meanwhile we hope and
pray for the cure............

Ken Becker
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On Sun, 23 Mar 1997, Alan Dell wrote:

> Loosening my aged fingers to bash the keyboard one key
> ( I hope) at the time and peeping over the parapet at those marvellous
> people on the List, with special thanks to The Barb and Brian Collins
> to whom we owe so much.
> I would like to put forward the proposition that many of us are suffering
> from having been fed too well so that we are living longer and that
> OLD AGE is the main cause of our pain and suffering ???
> Our Joints, muscles and nerves have gotten beyond their Sell by Date !!
> Do you not agree ??
> I would in all humanity exclude those whose distress is obvious
> and in need of our sympathy.
> Plantagenet