


 I am in my 10th year of PD, and my family doctor, wonderful man that he
is,  has prescribed weekly full-body massage for me, to  relieve severe
muscle and joint pains due to PD-related dystonia and stiffness.

Unfortunately, I cannot afford private insurance. I am "not working," and
 therefore, I am on medicaid and medicare.

Meanwhile, the massage  is wonderfully helpful, but also is too expensive
to continue,  without medicaid and/or medicare coverage.

This coverage has so far  been refused by Maine Medicaid.

We plan to appeal this decision.  Suggestions from those of you with
relevant experience, especially to help us to  document the importance
of massage therapy for PD, would be greatly appreciated.

You may write my doctor, my massage therapist and me at the following

Thank you!

Ivan Suzman, PWP.......Dr. Bruce Kenney, DO....Jason Rounds, LMT
16 Back Cove Estates
Portland, Maine 04103